*HV Payne of Hardinsburg also donated to the competition after the banner was purchased
Our goal with this competition is to honor the commitment Kenny Whitworth had towards the young machinists in our local machine tool programs. He understood the limited budgets that many programs face, the cost of supplies, and the cost of tools and equipment machinists need when going into the trade. This year was a HUGE success!
Many community members and parents came to support 3 area schools and 18 students this past Saturday at the Breck. Co. ATC. Although it was a friendly competition, students from Breckinridge, Meade and Grayson Counties put forth their best efforts for the opportunity to take home the title of Top School or Place in 1 of 3 competitions. Students skills and knowledge were tested through a written test, precision measuring test, and machining in their perspective areas.
1st Year Manual Mill/Lathe 2nd Year Manual Mill/Lathe CNC Mill
Congratulations go to Breckinridge County Area Technology Center for taking the title of TOP SCHOOL for the 2nd year. They will display the traveling trophy for another year and also won a prize package of tooling and gift certificates for earning the title.
1st Year Manual Machining (Mill/Lathe)
1st Place: Christopher Whitfill - Breckinridge (273 points)
2nd Place: Turner Tucker - Breckinridge (253 points)
3rd Place: Connor Yonts - Meade (232 points)
2nd Year Manual Machining (Mill/Lathe)
1st Place: Alexander Robbins - Breckinridge (292 points)
2nd Place: Noah Campbell - Meade (279 points)
3rd Place: Layton Hawkins - Grayson (266 points)
CNC Programming and Machining (Mill)
1st Place: Hunter Hinton - Breckinridge (244 points)
2nd Place: Jake Rogers - Grayson (223 points)
3rd Place: Nate Banks - Meade (221 points)
sThe support we received this year was incredible and very much appreciated! With items donated by Whitworth Tool and the support we received from other industry partners, Over $5,000 worth of prizes were given to the students. Each student that competed received a gift bag with tools of the trade and merchandise valued at over $100 and also went home with a door prize valued between $100 - $385. The winners of each competition were presented with items valued between $130 - $900! Over 1,500 lbs. of steel and several hundred dollars were donated and was divided between the three schools. This will be taken back to their programs to support the needs of their classroom. We are looking forward to next year!!
Special thanks to: Kim Barton, Scott Macy, Taylor Powers, Chris Brumfield, Chad Taul, Jarred Roach (all of Whitworth Tool), Michael Kennedy (Atlas Machine and Supply), Ryan Weisheit (Iscar Rep), Matthew Miller (BCATC), Dean Monarch (MCATC) for all the hours each of you committed to this event.