Discount Programs
Whitworth Tool has access to some great discount programs to help you and your families save money!
If you have any questions please email:
HR Dept.

Enjoy Holiday World & Splashin' Safari with $18 off tickets with your Whitworth Tool employee discount. See this flyer for information on how to secure your tickets.
Visit the Louisville Zoo now through December 31, 2023 and save $3 per ticket. Please see this flyer for information on how to claim your discount.
Guardian’s Employee Assistance Program gives you and our family members access to confidential personal support, across everything from stress management and nutrition to handling legal or financial issues.
Last weight loss at no cost! You are invited to join Real Appeal®, a free* online lifestyle program designed to help you lose weight, feel better, and improve your health — one small step at a time.
All new employees & spouses who are tobacco users but wish to earn the non-tobacco user incentive are invited to complete the UBreathe Tobacco Cessation program, provided confidentially by Marquee Health.